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Our Last Open Day & Some Important Reminders we are.  It's crazy how fast this month has gone, but it is upon us - we are TWO days away from our last open day at our River Rd. location.  

Our last open day at the River Rd. location is Friday, December 23rd, 2022.  

It is absolutely bittersweet to reach this point.  Moving to the new place is absolutely exciting, but Saturday wasn't without a pang of sadness to know that was the last Saturday I'd be working in this location.  Definitely a "whoa" moment. But enough of the sentimental, squishy stuff...onto the stuff you need to know!

A few important reminders for the transition period:

It is our every intention to be up and open for business on January 2nd, but delays are possible and not always predictable - we have a family member in the hospital (Lee, as many of you know), possible inclement weather shortly, and some updates (like cleaning and new flooring) being completed at the new place.  No move is 100% flawless regardless of preparation, and we think we've done a pretty good job of it and everyone is working hard to get to the finish line, but if there are any delays we will communicate them ASAP on Facebook ( 

After 12/23/22, you must coordinate with your longarmer directly to drop off, pick up, and pay for your quilting. They are still working and ready to take your quilts as always! This is only a pause in our shop as the pick up/drop off point.  We will resume this activity after we move.  

No Backing Day this month - we will be in the throes of moving stuff from one place to the other by then.  We will resume Backing Day in January.

No Tuesday Open Sew at the shop on 12/27/22 and possibly 1/3/23 depending on how fast we can get everything set up and settled in the classroom.  We will resume Tuesday Open Sew in January.

Inclement Weather Reminder:

Winter is here with a quickness!  We might be in for a couple of icy days, and if you live in the valley here you know how fast a maybe can turn into something big or nothing at all. Always check our Facebook page ( for the most current information on closures due to inclement weather, as it is how we quickly reach the most people.  Please consider if we cannot safely get to the shop to post one, there will be no sign on the door - check the Facebook page first.  We are a public business page so you don't need your own Facebook page to view it.  

Thank you everyone for your love and support.  We couldn't do this without you (yes, YOU specifically).  See you at the new place soon!  We hope you're just as excited as we are. 

Need help finding the new place?  Check out this handy-dandy map:


Reminders for the Upcoming Store Move


I guess there's some truth to that ol' adage about time flying when you're moving having fun. Right now, we're looking at the big move days being some time between the 16th and 31st, but we'll keep you posted on the exact days to look out for. 

So what's been happening in the mean time? We have been doing a lot of prep work at the shop to move our actual move as fast and smooth as possible. Just like when you move house, there's a whole lot of purging and clean up to do before leaving.  It's amazing how much stuff accumulates over thirteen years!  We've tidied up and donated a whole lot we don't need anymore, and have been working on what we do need for the new space. It's been insanely busy, but it's time well spent.  
There's only 24 hours in a day right...right?!

Meanwhile...they are working on some building updates for us before we get loaded in - we're looking at refreshed carpets, new bathroom floors, paint, etc. It's getting real!  We're looking forward to seeing all of the cool improvements they're making for us.  Just a's the map to the new place so you can find us!  It's only actually two stop lights north of where we are now.  Easy peasy!

Don't forget:
  • You can still pick up and drop off quilts for Christmas for your longarmer(s) that currently use our shop as their pick up/drop off site - as always, please contact them before leaving your quilt so you know their turnaround time for the holidays. 
  • We will not be accepting any more Linus Project drop offs through the end of the year (we will resume after we move)
  • Please pick up any holds or Block of the Month kits you may have still with us. If you can't make it in, please give us a call so we can coordinate getting those to you. 

After we get settled in, we will continue to be a pick up and drop off point for the longarmers we do this with today, and we will still be a Linus Project drop site.  

Please keep looking to look to our Facebook page ( for the most up-to-date information on our hours and activities.

Thank you to everyone for your support and flexibility while we move - we can't wait to see you in the new place.  


We're Moving! (and Other Important Information) read that right...After 13+ years at our current location on River Rd., we are moving just up the road to Chemawa.  Why?  Well, we've grown.  This was a great spot when we were still a fledgling operation, but we've outgrown the building - more classes, more fabric, more everything!  It's been on our minds for a while, but the right place didn't come up...until now! It's of course bittersweet - we will miss our friends at Copper Creek (and the taco truck! Seriously, if you haven't paid him a visit, please do - the chorizo tacos are amazing) but this will be really wonderful!

So first off, you might be wondering where exactly is the new place?  Here, let's have a lookie at this handy-dandy map:

See?  Not too far...a whopping 0.6 miles north!  So what's the new place like?  For's nearly double what we have now. We will have a large retail space, a very large classroom space that divides into two complete rooms, two bathrooms, an actual, for real, no joke office, and plenty of parking. It's hard to pin down what we're most excited about in the new space itself, it's all good news.

What we are the most excited for in the new chapter at The Cotton Patch, is our new partnership with Rich's Sew and Vac.  For our long time folks, you'll recall that Rich's was over on Market St. for a long time until they moved solely down to Albany.  They're under new ownership now, and part of their new chapter is opening up a Rich's Annex here in Salem - with us!  We will be a pick up and drop off site for repairs, with a few familiar faces from Rich's joining us on-site.  More to come on this - but Rich's will be back in Keizer very soon!

So what can you expect for the rest of this month?
  • You can still pick up and drop off quilts for Christmas for your longarmer(s) that currently use our shop as their pick up/drop off site - as always, please contact them before leaving your quilt so you know their turnaround time for the holidays. 
  • We will not be accepting any more Linus Project drop offs through the end of the year (we will resume after we move)
  • If we are holding something for you, please make arrangements as soon as possible to pick it up, or let us know if it can be taken off hold.
  • We have some blocks from recent Block of the Month programs that haven't been picked up.  If you have not picked them up yet, please make arrangements to do so or contact us to have them mailed.  

After we get settled in, we will continue to be a pick up and drop off point for the longarmers we do this with today, and we will still be a Linus Project drop site.  

As always, please look to our Facebook page ( for the most up-to-date information on our hours and activities. This move of course falls around the holidays and inclement weather so...

Whose idea was it to move in December again? Ours? Oh, right.

Just a reminder - Our Facebook is a public business page so you don't need to have your own Facebook account to view the page, you just won't be able to react to or comment on our posts. We will communicate any changes to hours there as we get closer to our moving days.

Thank you to everyone for your well wishes and support!