We're not talking about that kind of UFO sighting (if so, we have some questions)
If you're a quilter, odds are good you have some UFOs (Un-Finished Objects) lurking around your sewing space somewhere. Diane was in her sewing room recently and observed an unfinished project that is so old the fabrics are being reprinted. Heck, I have some UFOs from WELL before I graduated college...in 2010...UFOs. All the cool kids have them, and beginners will have them eventually.
But why though? Why do we stop working on projects we once started with gusto? Maybe we fall out of love with the colors or prints. Maybe we bit off more than we could chew at the time. Maybe life got busy or weird and we had no choice but to set it aside. Maybe we got the top done but lose motivation when it comes to getting it quilted and bound. There's as many reasons as there are leaves on trees.
So what happens then when we get a pile/box/cabinet of stuff we haven't finished? Designate it as someone's inheritance? Probably not. But what we can do is reimagine it. Just because you start a project a certain way or with certain fabrics doesn't mean it has to stay that way until you get the will to finish it. Consider changing it up - consider swapping the pieces you're not wild about with something you like more, changing how you arrange your blocks, and changing the finished size. Start a California King and lost your want to? Finish it as a lap quilt. Don't like the fabrics anymore and wonder what on earth you were thinking? There's no shame at all in breaking that project apart and putting the fabric back into your stash to live another day.
2022 is all about making use of what we have and taking new approaches to familiar things. So here's our challenge to you (yes, you!):
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Coming August 2022: UFO Challenge!
UFO Challenge at The Cotton Patch
August 13, 2022
Finish your UFOs - as many as you want - and bring them for Show and Tell!
Let's celebrate our creativity, ingenuity, and resourcefulness in reimaging our UFOs with some good eats and prizes (not more fabric, Promise! Think tools and useful notions to help get through that Stash)!
Don't worry - we'll be walking our talk too...Diane and Lauren will be working on their own UFOs to share!
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