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Last Call! Freestyle Block of the Month Starts Tomorrow!

How It Works
1. Come to the shop on the First Saturday of the Month for class at 10:30am
2. Stop by the register to buy your pattern for $3.50 (or one regular priced, pre-cut Fat Quarter if you prefer.  You'll get a ticket for door prizes.  This is not a grab and go type of program - class is free and lasts about an hour. If you can't make it on class day, the block is $5
3. Grab a seat in the classroom - class starts at 10:30! 
4. We'll go over what's new and then how to do the block.  We'll go over anything that might be a new skill or something you'll want to be attentive to.  Then, it's time for Show and Tell, and door prizes!
5. Go forth and be creative...and get your block done before the next class! 
6. Bring you finished block back to class for Show and Tell the following month and get entered into the drawing for a free backing and other cool prizes.  But you have to bring your finished block to class to get entered in the drawing!

Things to Know
- There are nine total blocks.  You may do as many or as few as you want.  
- There will be a free chain block provided at the end of the program to help you make the quilt bigger if you choose to. 
- Class will have door prizes as always! However, you will only get entry into the bigger drawing if you bring in your finished block from the previous month for Show and Tell.  Blocks are available for pickup on the First Saturday during class for $3.50, and $5 after class.  We understand this may not be convenient for all, but this program doesn't operate on sign ups or larger fees so it helps us stay organized.  

This is a great opportunity to dive into a Block of the Month and use your stash at the same time.  We're excited to see how this new approach comes to fruition - no two quilts will be the same and all of the different interpretations will be awesome to see!  Plus... have we ever mentioned we love fabric?! Seeing a little bit of everyone's stashes is going to be very cool.  We hope you join us! 

See you tomorrow!  

EDITOR'S NOTE:  This information originally went out on 3/2/22 via our Newsletter.  Over the last couple years, we have had some really unkind messages come our way.  While the vast majority of feedback we get is positive or constructive, we have had some really hateful comments thrown in there.  We are always completely fine with constructive feedback (I mean, hey, we're human and humans are imperfect), but we received a couple responses to the Block of the Month information that went far beyond constructive criticism and went right into blatant mean spiritedness.  That is absolutely unacceptable, and we will not tolerate that behavior towards any of our staff for any reason.  Our goal for the shop has always been to make quilting accessible and affordable for anyone who wants to join in, and that is what we will continue to strive for.  

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