First of all...
We made it, but WOW, what a ride! The last few days have been insanely busy, but we're all moved out of the old River Rd. place and into the new Chemawa Rd. place.
First of all, I want to thank everyone who came out to help us, and on a holiday weekend no less! You all are AMAZING for stepping up and bringing your tools, carts, and time to make a big job go fast and smooth.

...goes to Mychal, John, Robbi, KJ, Aaron, Janice, Fred, Judi, Gabe, Tonya, Cheryl, Mary, Debbie, Sue, Sheila, Molly, Matt, Gabriel, and Zac for all the help the last two days. An extra special shout out goes to John, who went over and got an early start to surprise us. He did a LOT of heavy work to get us ahead of the curve on Saturday morning. Another extra special shout-out goes to Judi, Gabe, and Tonya for tackling the move of the cutting counters. Turns out those babies where built inside the building and wouldn't fit out the door! They spent a lot of time troubleshooting, labelling, documenting, and breaking those down so they could fit out the door and get rebuilt. A last extra special shout out goes to Janice for getting some great pictures for us - something I wanted to do, but wasn't managing to get done - she saved the day!

When I say we couldn't have done it without these amazing people, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. We have had so many people offer their help too - we tried to reach everyone but it was admittedly short notice. THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything. In less-great news, we had high hopes to be able to open on January 2nd and really start the New Year off with a bang, but that's not going to happen. When we started this process, it was a realistic goal. This funny little thing called Murphy's Law decided to act up on us, and things didn't quite go according to plan timing-wise (hence moving on New Year's Eve/Day...that was definitely NOT in the original blueprint).
Do we have an exact re-opening date? No. We have some more work to do to get fabric placed and fixtures up, and a little more logistics work to do. But what I can do is commit to keeping everyone updated on our progress, and as soon as we have a Grand Re-Opening date in hand I will blast it out there!